1. Type of Service 2. Contact Info 3. Schedule 4. Payment

Select Service

* Required fields

Enter Contact Details

If you’re requesting a doctor to visit your location, please add your address below; otherwise, skip this step.


Select Date & Time of Service



Your Location


30-Min Online Consult With A Provider

Speak to a primary care provider over your phone or computer in 30 minutes. Perfect for the avid traveler suffering from minor illness

In-office visit

See one of our highly rated doctors in our Medellin office. Same day appointments available.

In-Person Consult

A provider will come to your current residence within two to three hours. They will take your vitals and administer the necessary level of care needed

Quantity Add more people to your appointment




Payment Info

Terms of Service
Processing your order...

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Confirmation Number:

Your payment was successfully processed. The service order on at has been received. We’ve emailed a copy of your receipt to . A provider will be in touch with you shortly.

Patient Intake

The following questions will help us with expediting your service and care.

Sign up with Urgent Care Express. Log in faster, access/edit account information, and print receipts.

Submit Intake Form

Intake Received!

A medical care coordinator will contact you within the next 30-60 minutes on WhatsApp to confirm your appointment time. If you provided the wrong information and or a phone number that does not work on WhatsApp please reach out to us directly on WhatsApp +57 (310) 654-3748

If you have any additional questions you may reach out via our live chat:

All rights reserved, Urgent Care Express

Submit Failed!

There was an error processing your intake form. Please try again or reach out to us via our live chat:

All rights reserved, Urgent Care Express

Intake Received!

A medical care coordinator will contact you within the next 30-60 minutes on WhatsApp to confirm your appointment time. If you provided the wrong information and or a phone number that does not work on WhatsApp please reach out to us directly on WhatsApp +57 (310) 654-3748

If you have any additional questions you may reach out via our live chat:

Live chat

Service Order

Your Location


30-Min Online Consult With A Provider

Speak to a primary care provider over your phone or computer in 30 minutes. Perfect for the avid traveler suffering from minor illness

In-office visit

See one of our highly rated doctors in our Medellin office. Same day appointments available.

45-Min Online In-Person Consult

A provider will come to your current residence within two to three hours. They will take your vitals and administer the necessary level of care needed


